What an incredible time to be alive! Most alive today haven’t lived in such a time when there is so much division and turmoil spread across our entire nation. It is easy to see that there is something wrong and most would also say that it is centered around politics. As a result, you are being compelled to take sides and look to the national leaders for answers and solutions and leadership to fix what is wrong and bring us back together, but this only divides us more. I think most of us deep down instinctively know that politics and who is on the Supreme Court, or in charge of the Senate, or living in the White House won’t fix what is wrong or heal the sickness that has gripped our nation. Like many diseases this has been under the surface growing for many years long before the current leaders came into power and is now fully making itself known for all to see. There is no leader or party or policy or amount of money or organization that can heal or even stop the spread of this disease. The division is to great and is even being engineered by the powers that be. Thankfully, there is a God who has the power to heal all diseases, all wounded hearts and all lands and nations. So, what is He waiting for?
Before, I answer that question I want to encourage everyone to vote. Too many wonderful men and women literally gave their young lives for each of us to have the amazing privilege to choose our leaders and our laws that govern us. It is one of the best ways to honor their sacrifice and preserve our freedoms. I want to encourage people to be involved in politics and civil service. It is because so many good people have chosen not to serve and be involved, that has brought us to this place. I want to also add that it is good and wise to defend our Constitution. I hope someday to do a blog on this amazing document and the incredible value it has brought to all of our lives and so many lives around the world. It is by far the oldest governing document in the world and was inspired by men who did their best to honor God and put forth the fact that God has given all men and women freedom to govern themselves and when men and women are free, amazing things can happen. These freedoms deserve to be protected.
When will God move and heal our great nation? Let’s look at a time when God healed another great nation. Under King David, God united the nation of Israel and he used David and his mighty men to destroy their nation’s enemies. David, out of his great love and appreciation to God, wanted to build a temple to honor God and the Arc of His presence. God told him that he was a man of war and would not be allowed to build His temple, but that his son would eventually build the temple. David spent most of the rest of his life gathering the materials and wealth to build a glorious temple. Before he died, David appointed his son Solomon, King of Israel. Solomon had a heart for the people and God granted him great wisdom and the ability to produce great wealth. He mobilized hundreds of thousands of people to begin the construction of a magnificent temple. When finish it was a wonder of the world and even the Queen of Egypt came to see and marveled saying that they didn’t have anything as grand in all of Egypt. The entire nation gathered to dedicate the temple to God and King Solomon humbled himself and prayed, finishing with the Words “O Lord God, do not reject the king you have anointed. Remember your unfailing love for your servant David.” Later that night God came to King Solomon and told Solomon that He had heard his prayer and had chosen the temple, but that there would be times that the blessing of heaven would be shut up. God then gave Solomon and us these instructions: Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. (2 Chron 6-7)
There has been a wonderful move towards gathering and praying across our great nation and so many have been praying and crying out to God and I believe these gatherings should continue and increase, but when I look at God’s word to Solomon I truly believe that the emphasis is not on prayer but on His people humbling themselves. It is the humility and the turning away from selfish ways that makes the prayer heard from heaven. We, as God’s people, truly hold the future of our nation in our hearts. Nothing is impossible for our God the creator of all things, but he doesn’t listen to the prayers of the proud or self serving. As a people, are we humble? I think that it is easy to see that our nation and culture has focused on individuals and individual rights. It is a me society. Is there a way to judge or measure our humility? I believe there is. I believe words are cheap and actions tell the story and the truth. I believe there is one clear sign or characteristic of a humble person. They simply and selflessly serve the people that need help the most. When they hear about someone who is hungry they feed them; when someone needs a place to stay they house them or invite them in; when someone does not have adequate clothing they cloth them; when someone is sick they care for them; when someone is in prison they visit them. I truly believe that this list of actions are a clear measuring stick on weather someone is truly humble or not. It is a very rare individual who quickly admits that they struggle with humility and those who do are usually the most humble of us all. The majority of people believe that they are humble, and this is the problem because pride always blinds its victims. Pride or selfishness always hides in our blind spot hidden from our view. It is amazing how much we can justify when it comes to our own behavior.
So here is the challenge! Take out a piece of paper and ask yourself: How many times have I gone out of my way and fed the hungry over the last 12 months and then write down the answer. Then write down the answers as you ask yourselves the same question for housing the homeless, clothing the poor, caring for the sick (not in your household), visiting those in prison. Please resist the temptation to start justifying yourself and also remember that God loves you right where you are at. Now ask God to help you fully see your struggle with pride and ask Him to help you to humble yourself. Take as much time with this as you need and let the Holy Spirit work on you. For many, your eyes may not be open until the next day or two. This process, if genuinely done, may be the most life changing event you have ever experienced.
Now let us put action to our faith and truly position ourselves to make a real difference in our world around us and even our nation. Grab your calendar and start prayerfully setting goals with dates on when and how you will be serving and loving the people within your community. Every homeless shelter is needing help and looking for volunteers. Pick a day and time to run by the grocery store and pick up some toilet paper and coffee and show up at the shelter and ask to schedule a time to visit with the director and watch what happens next. Also, visit with a few of your local pastors or the people at Love Inc. and ask them what you can do to make a difference in the lives of the people who are hurting the most and see how God begins to direct you down a path that will bring you so much joy and freedom. Please don’t just go through the motions, but truly open your heart to the individuals in need. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you see them as He sees them and to love them as He loves them and then pray and ask God to heal our wonderful and beautiful land…..
Well said. It is good to hear someone else who believes by turning to the Holy Spirit with humility and reaching out to help those in need is truly the way for our nation and our world to find peace.
Great job this is right on! I’m going to start looking for ways that I can serve