Why do this blog and why IKnowGod?
To list all the reasons would take way too much time so I will share a short story. First, I will share a few things about myself. I’m 53 years old and I have known God since I was 19. Around 25 years ago my cousin invited me to a Saturday men’s group meeting at his church. It was my first time there and I knew absolutely no one other than my cousin. We sat facing each other in a circle of chairs. The speaker, who I believe was a pastor at the church, put a chair out in the middle of the group and said, “if anyone here personally knows God please take the chair in middle of us”. I sat there waiting for someone to get up and take the chair…. I was one of the youngest in the group and thought for sure someone else would move. As no one moved including the presenter, I then thought well I will go take the chair because I do know God. But then I found myself frozen, not knowing what everyone would think. Eventually the speaker began to speak out about how we do not know God, but believe in Him by Faith. I was saddened by the message and for some time afterwards haunted by the memory and the realization that when it came down to it, I passed on my opportunity to share about my relationship with the creator of the universe.
Believe me, today I would run to the chair and fight to be the first to share about the one who has brought such wonder and amazing love to my life. There is no other relationship that I have that is more meaningful and fulfilling. He is now my all in all.
Maybe you might be thinking it is strange for someone to publicly announce that they know God. Maybe someone has convinced you that we can’t know God, that He is distantly far away. Maybe you are unaware that there are hundreds of thousands of people alive today around the world who would definitively tell you that they know God and that there’s been millions throughout history who have stated that they knew the one and only God, the creator of all things. Most logical individuals wouldn’t think that millions would be wrong about something so significant and I can definitely assure you being one of them that the majority are telling the truth.
One of the primary reasons for this blog is to encourage those that know God to stop keeping it a secret. It is confusing to the world when they hear so many different things about God, but haven’t met anyone who will look them in the eye and plainly say, “I Know God and I can tell you about Him”.
Imagine if you would, that over the last ten years you have established a friendship with Michael Jordan. Tell me, how many of your friends and family members would know definitively that you know Michael Jordan? You know the answer; every single one of them. Shoot most of your casual acquaintances would have heard from you about such an amazing relationship in your life. Well, think about it: Mr. Jordan is an amazing individual but, he does not stack up to God. So why is it that the most incredible relationship that you have is kept so personal and private? God did not tell you to keep Him a secret. Well, whatever the reason does not really matter at this point because today you have the opportunity to begin an exciting new adventure. I want to take you on a journey that will bring so much fun and joy into your life that your mind is not even able to image it. I want to share a mystery with you. When you start telling people about your relationship with God, God shows up and touches hearts and changes you. It does not really matter what the initial reaction of the individual is, the impact will always be significant. And as for you, the authentic and genuine you will begin to emerge. It is always a win-win. So, let’s try it. You can take it easy at first if you like. Start with your mom or sister or your favorite cousin or best friend or whoever you are most comfortable with. Invite them out for coffee or a walk or just go right up to them and say something like, “I may have never made this clear before, but I know God and if you would like to hear my story about meeting him I would love to tell you about it”. If they are interested then share your testimony. You do not have to be weird about it. Let it be as natural as talking about the weather, “just matter of fact”. Do not worry about what you say next, just allow the Holy Spirit to guide your heart as you begin to sense the incredible love God has for the one you are sharing with. Afterwards, I suggest that you journal the experience and then pray about who you open up to next……… and so on and so on. Doors will open for you and deeper and more fulfilling relationship will be established and you will begin to experience Heaven on earth.
Now for full disclosure, the enemy will not like the new vocal you. He will try his best to discourage you and silence you if possible. Remember that he is a defeated foe and always flees from the blood of Jesus. Pray more often with boldness and have others praying for you as well. There will be bumps in the road and those that respond with unusual anger, but perfect love casts out all fear and you are an overcomer in Christ Jesus.
Now if you do not know God please don’t pretend you do. Go find someone who knows God and have them introduce you to Him or just go straight to God and give your life to Him and ask Him into your heart. If you are sincere, He will make Himself known to you.